Regulatory Convergence for Healthcare Products in West Africa

July 16 - 17, 2024 | Abuja, Nigeria

The U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA), in collaboration with the Corporate Council on Africa (CCA), hosted a Workshop on Regulatory Convergence for Healthcare Products in West Africa in Abuja, Nigeria on July 16 - 17, 2024.

The workshop included a dedicated day for pharmaceutical products and another dedicated day for medical devices. The sessions convened a select group of key stakeholders, including pharmaceutical and medical device companies, trade associations from both the United States and Africa, as well as regulatory authorities and government agencies from both regions. The primary objective was to foster discussions on the most effective regulatory practices for pharmaceuticals and medical devices, with the overarching goal of promoting harmonization with international standards and achieving convergence in healthcare regulatory systems.

For more information, please contact:

Morayor Essieh